The WarnZ Details Page
The ‘Details Page’ is the ‘Cockpit’ of each WarnZ and where you control the setup of each WarnZ so that it prioritizes, alerts, displays links and repeats to ensure you never miss a deadline.
This Tutorial covers the following:
Due and Done Date WarnZ
Accessing the WarnZ details page.
Setting the WarnZ Name.
Changing the Zap.
Setting Dates.
Quick Links.
The WarnZ Behaviours and Periods Summary.
The WarnZ Periods:
Setting the length of the caution, warning and expiry (repeat & validity) periods.
Repeat Behaviour - how the WarnZ repeats.
Update Behaviour - how the WarnZ calculates dates.
Behaviour Modifiers - optional selections to modify what the WarnZ does on repeat and update.
WarnZ Levels - changing which periods display.
WarnZ Visibility - Archiving WarnZ from within the Detals page.
Examples of WarnZ with different Repeat and Update types.
Due and Done Date WarnZ
The secret behind 'Getting Things Done' is to set a deadline....or at least setting a time period during which you would like to complete a task. Therefore all WarnZ are dated!
WarningZ uses 2 types of date calculations to ensure you complete the task 'in time'. These are:
Due dated.
Done dated.
Due dated WarnZ have calendar deadlines. These are deadlines that would repeat on regular calendar dates. For example:
Repeating on the 1st of every Month.
Repeating on April 15th every Year.
Repeating every 13 weeks.
These are 'Due' Dates. You must complete the task by that date and then next time your task is Due is the next time you reach that date again.
When you complete the task and update the WarnZ the next Due date is calculated by adding the 'Repeat Period' to the current Due date.
Due dated WarnZ work in a similar way to dates set in (iOS) Calendar. Although they have more options which are shown in the 'Behaviours' section of this tutorials. And the 'Caution' and 'Warning' Periods set for each WarnZ means that you are notified in advance of the deadline rather than a calendar's 'last chance' notification (when you are notified on the day that something is due).
Done dated WarnZ have 'Validity' periods and 'Expiry' ('Next Occurrence') dates.
The period after your last update which is 'Valid' gives the 'Expiry' ('Next Occurrence') date. So the 'Next Occurrence' date is calculated by adding the 'Validity' to the 'Done' (or update) date. Therefore the next date is not on a repeating calendar basis.
Examples of this type of WarnZ are:
Professional Qualifications - you are only qualified to use a skill for a period after you last practiced it.
Hygiene procedures - your last 'deep clean' (of a room, fridge, sheet change) is only protective for a period after it was completed.
Medical or Veterinary treatments - you or your pet is only protected for a set period after a treatment is administered.
Accessing the Details Page
The 'Details' page is automatically opened when you select a template to create a WarnZ so that you can add a name and set the initial date before it is created.
Once created: To open the 'Details' page of a WarnZ from the 'Column of WarnZ' the simplest method is to double tap the WarnZ.
Alternatively you can tap once on the WarnZ to select it.
The WarnZ will shrink slightly to show that it has been selected.
At the bottom of the screen an action bar will appear with 5 icons.
Update. Details. Share. Links. Archive.
Tap on the 'Details' icon (the Warning triangle).
Setting the WarnZ Name
To set the WarnZ name tap on the 'New' of 'New Birthday' in the 'WarnZ Title and Icon Zap' section
The tap will automatically highlight the ‘New’ part of the text allowing you to easily insert a name but, in this example, leave the ‘Birthday’ as part of the WarnZ Name.
If you want to replace the whole title tap on the grey Ⓧ to clear the field.
Once you have named the WarnZ tap on 'continue' on the keyboard to dismiss the keyboard.
Note: The text in the Name field is formatted in Title case (every word starts with a capital letter) so you do not need to use the shift key when entering text.
You could now create the WarnZ by tapping 'Create'.
With 'Date of Birth' showing as 'Not Set' the WarnZ would be created using today's date. You could open the 'Details' page later to readjust if required.
Changing the Zap
To change the icon Zap tap in the field and choose a new emoji from the emoji keyboard.
You can also change to the text keyboard and add a letter if you wish.
Setting Dates
This Section covers:
Setting the initial date.
Date History
When you first create a WarnZ from a template you will need to add a date to initiate the WarnZ - All WarnZ are ‘Dated’!
If you do not add a date to a new WarnZ, then when you ‘Create’ the WarnZ it will use today’s date and be placed in the column of WarnZ as a Red WarnZ (unless you have set another colour as the Expiry Period). Once shown in the column of WarnZ you can ‘Update’ the WarnZ normally (see the ‘Update Tutorial); or open the Details page and enter a date. This will initiate its ‘Repeat’ cycle based on the Expiry period set.
It is 'best practice' to set a day when you first create the WarnZ.
The details page will show that the date is ‘Not Set’.
Certain templates, as in this example, will suggest which date to enter. In this case the Birthday template is suggesting that you enter the ‘Date of Birth’ so when created it can show the age of the individual at their next birthday.
A Done date WarnZ will show ‘Last Done’ with ‘Never Done’.
A Due dated WarnZ will show ‘Due Date’ with ‘Not Set’.
A ‘Once Only’ Done date WarnZ will show ‘Start Date’ with ‘Never Done’ before first date entry.
To set the date tap anywhere on the ‘Due Date’ or ‘Last Done’ field. The date picker will reveal.
Use the picker to set the date.
If you set a date in the future the date will be shown in green text. On creation, if the WarnZ is not within the caution or warning periods, the WarnZ will be displayed in the column coloured green.
If you set a date in the past the date is shown in red text. On creation the WarnZ will be coloured Red and will be displayed at the top of the column.
Tapping on the ‘Due Date’ above the picker will close the picker and set the date!
A Due date WarnZ will not show a ‘History’ section until its first update (even if the date you set is in the past). The first ‘Due Date’ is an event you are required to 'take action' for and the WarnZ has not been updated yet!
If the WarnZ is a Due date WarnZ for which you set a date in the past AND the 'Auto-update on Due Date' switch is set in the 'Behaviours' section. Then, on closing the picker with a date set in the past, the WarnZ will immediately update and show a 'Due Date' in the future.
A good example of this:
If you create a Birthday WarnZ (which has the 'Auto-update on Due Date' and 'Show Occurence Count' set) then, if you set the Date of Birth, then on closing the picker the WarnZ will auto update until is shows the next birthday and the age of the person at that birthday.
Because the WarnZ has been updated there is also a history of updates available via the tapping on ⓘ symbol.
If the WarnZ is Done date WarnZ a ‘History’ section will appear on closing the picker. Setting the date on a Done dated WarnZ is the first update (or when it was 'Last Done').
Note: At the present the 'History' does not have the ability to 'rollback the current due or expiry date. It is simply a 'record' of when the warnz was updated. If you wish to 'Rollback' the current calculated 'Due' or 'Validity' date to the previous date then make a note of the last date (shown in the history) and adjust the date on the 'details' page to match.
Tapping on the Dates History ⓘ opens the History page.
The History page shows all the WarnZ updates; and the date and time when the WarnZ was updated!
You can edit or correct dates in the date history (record) by tapping on the date you wish to change. This will reveal a date picker for you to correct the date.
Tapping on the date above the picker will close the picker and set the date.
Tapping ‘Edit’ will change the page as below:
Tapping + will insert a new update using today’s date (and time). You can then edit the date as above if required.
Tapping on the ⊝ will allow you to delete a Date.
Tapping on the 'trash can' will allow you to delete all dates.
If you wish to 'roll back' a date (because you have updated a WarnZ by mistake), if required, delete the most recent date in the history (the date that is erroneous); make a note of the new 'most recent' date and adjust the date on the details page to this date.
Quick Links
Quick Links can be added by tapping on the Quick Links field. With no links added tapping on the field will open the 'Links Edit Page'. If links have already been added it will open the 'Links List Page'.
For more see the Links Tutorial.
WarnZ Behaviours and Periods Summary
WarningZ uses ‘Behaviours’ to set how each WarnZ repeats and updates.
These ‘Behaviours’ are powerful rules that govern what happens when the WarnZ updates and how the next due or expiry (next occurrence) date is calculated.
To simplify the day to day creation of WarnZ there are Templates provided for many common tasks. Normally you will find (or download) a template that meets your needs but occasionally you may wish to customise a WarnZ, or create your own templates. It is then that a knowledge of how the ‘Behaviours’ work will allow you to create a WarnZ that meets your exact needs.
The details page shows a summary of the behaviours and periods set for the WarnZ. To open the Behaviours and Periods page tap on the summary.
The Behaviours Page shows:
In the Behaviours Section: To learn more about Behaviours see this section.
Not editable - The repeat behaviours (Infinite, Number and Once).
Not editable - The update behaviours (Due Date or Done Date).
Switchable - A behaviour modifier dependant on the repeat / update behaviours (in this case the 'Show Occurrence Count').
To edit these Behaviours tap 'Edit.
In the WarnZ Periods Section:
Repeat Period set to 1 year.
Warning Period set to 1 Week.
Caution Period set to 1 Week.
WarnZ Periods
Setting the Repeat or Validity (Expiry), Warning and Caution periods.
The WarnZ Periods are the intelligence behind WarningZ dynamic prioritisation of your events and tasks.
A simple way to think of them is:
The 'Repeat' or 'Validity' period is the period used to update the WarnZ on an update.
The ‘Caution’ period is the time you need to prepare for a task either by gathering information and materials, or researching and booking providers.
The ‘Warning’ period is the time it takes to get the task done before the ‘Expiry’ date.
Examples might be:
You set a 2 month ‘Caution’ period (Yellow) to remind you to research a garage that can carry out your car’s annual service. You set a 1 month ‘Warning’ period (Amber) to you ensure the booking is made so that the car is serviced before the year is up from its last service (at which point the WarnZ will reach its expiry date and will turn red telling you the car service is overdue).
You need to renew your house insurance. You set a 2 week ‘Caution’ period to remind you to get new quotes so you can compare the renewal prices. You set a 1 week ‘Warning’ to ensure that you renew the insurance prior to its expiry date (when the WarnZ will go red).
Most WarnZ will be created so that the WarnZ changes to Red on Expiry (at the end of its Repeat or Validity period), Amber during the Warning period and Yellow during the Caution period; but you can also set other combinations (see the WarnZ Periods Level section).
This shows the repeat picker set to 1 year. Any length or combination of days, weeks, months, years and weekdays can be set. Similar pickers can be used to set the Warning and Caution periods.
To close the picker tap on the cell or you can tap the next cell.
Important: The Warning period is always set to be shorter than the Caution period which is set shorter than the Repeat period.
Warning < Caution < Repeat periods.
If you try to set any picker to an incorrect period when you try to close it it will animate (change the period) to a value equal to the period it should be greater or less than!
WarnZ Behaviours
WarnZ Behaviours
WarningZ uses ‘Behaviours’ to set how each WarnZ repeats and updates.
These ‘Behaviours’ are powerful rules that govern what happens on updating the WarnZ and how the expiry date is calculated. To simplify the day to day creation of WarnZ there are Templates provided for many common tasks. Normally you will find (or download) a template that meets your needs but occasionally you may wish customise a WarnZ, create a bespoke WarnZ, or create your own templates. It is then that a knowledge of how the ‘Behaviours’ work will allow you to create a WarnZ that meets your exact needs.
To edit the behaviours tap on the 'Behaviour & Periods Summary' Field on the WarnZ Details page. This will open the 'Behaviour & Periods' page.
Depending on the type of WarnZ and the Behaviours set some of the individual switches and selectors are available on this page. In this example the 'Show Occurrence Count' switch is available. With this switch selected on the WarnZ will display how many times it is updated.
All other switches and selectors are disabled. To edit the behavours tap on 'Edit'.
This will open the 'Behaviours & Periods Edit' page.
This page is divided into 3 sections:
Repeat Behaviour - How the WarnZ repeats.
Update Behaviour - How the WarnZ updates.
WarnZ Levels - Which WarnZ Period levels are displayed.
If you are using the free version of WarningZ you may see this alert and you will need to upgrade to a paid version to edit all the behaviours and periods options.
Repeat Behaviours
Repeat Behaviours - How the WarnZ repeats!
Each WarnZ can be set to repeat an infinite number of times, a set number of times or once only.
With the Repeat Behaviour set to ‘Infinite’ the WarnZ will repeat an infinite number times using the Repeat period (Due date) or Validity period (Done date) set in the ‘WarnZ Periods’ section to calculate the 'Next Due' or 'Next Occurence' date.
With the ‘Show Occurrence Count’ switch set to ‘On’ the WarnZ will display the number of times it has repeated / updated.
With the Repeat Behaviour set to ‘Number’ you can set the number of times the WarnZ will repeat using the ‘Repeat Count’ setting.
If you set the ‘Show Number Remaining’ to ‘On’ then the WarnZ will display a countdown of the 'Repeat Count' (the remaining updates to be made) on the WarnZ (in the Column of WarnZ) and next to the date on the details page.
The behaviours page showing the ‘Repeat Count’ being edited. The ‘Reset’ on the keypad will reset the Repeat Count to its original value.
With the 'Archive When Complete' count switch made the WarnZ will archive after the last update.
When created from a template the ‘Archive When Complete’ switch is normally set so that the WarnZ on its first update will archive.
This WarnZ is the equivalent of a simple ‘To-do’!
On a Due date WarnZ with the repeat Behaviour set to ‘Once’ there is no ‘Repeat’ Period set. On creation the WarnZ will simply count down to the due date and turn red (or archive if that switch is set).
When updated and archived: Should you wish to use the WarnZ again you can un-archive it and then set a new date.
If the ‘Archive When Complete’ switch is not selected on then, on update, the WarnZ will use a nominal 100 year repeat period and be found at the bottom of the Green section of the main column view.
On a Done date WarnZ a Validity period can be set. On creation if the date is set in the past the WarnZ is created Red. If the date is set in the future the WarnZ will countdown turning the appropriate Warning and Caution colours.
Update Behaviour - How the WarnZ calculates Dates.
If you have not already read the 'Due' and 'Done' date section it is worthwhile reading to understand why WarningZ uses these two types of date calculation.
WarningZ uses 2 types of update logic. WarnZ can be:
Due dated - on update it calculates the new Due Date using the current due date and the ‘Repeat’ period.
Done dated - on update it uses the date of the update (the Last Done date) and a ‘Validity’ period to calculate the new expiry (or 'next occurrence') date.
The 'Details' page 'Behaviour & Periods Summary' for a Due Dated WarnZ.
The summary shows that this ‘Due’ dated WarnZ will repeat 'Forever' (an infinite number of times) and that on update it will calculate a new Due Date date using the current Due date and a Repeat period of 1 Month.
The update behaviour can be modified by a number of optional switches on the 'Behaviours Edit' page. To access this page tap on the 'Behaviours & Periods Summary'.
The Behaviours and Periods Page showing 'Infinite' repeat and 'Due Date'. To edit the Behaviours tap 'Edit'.
The Update Behaviours showing that this WarnZ is a 'Due' dated WarnZ with 1 repeat behaviour modifier switch and 1 update behaviour modifier switch set.
A majority of WarnZ will be Due Dated because most actions occur on a calendar based frequency. For example:
Bills - Monthly
Memberships - Annually or 6 Monthly
Renewals (Passports & Licences) - 5 yearly or 10 yearly
Birthdays and Anniversaries - Annually
Club Meetings - Bi-weekly or Monthly
Submissions (Taxes etc.) - Annually or 3 monthly
For all these you should initially pick Due Dated WarnZ and then modify it to your requirements (if required).
The 'Details' page 'Behaviour & Periods Summary' for a Done Date WarnZ.
The summary shows that this ‘Done’ dated WarnZ will repeat 'Forever' (an infinite number of times) and that on update it will calculate a new expiry ('next occurrence') date using the date of the update and a Validity period of 3 Months.
The update behaviour can be modified by a number of optional switches on the 'Behaviours Edit' page. To access this page tap on the 'Behaviours & Periods Summary'.
The Behaviours and Periods Page showing 'Infinite' repeat and 'Done Date'. To edit the Behaviours tap 'Edit'.
The Update Behaviours showing that the WarnZ is a 'Done' dated WarnZ without update behaviour modifier switches set.
Done dated WarnZ are a more specialized type of WarnZ. They are often used for professional competencies and safety critical event.
For example: Professional skills normally have to be practiced on a regular basis. The ‘validity’ period for which you are then ‘competent’ or ‘current’ will then run from the day you last practiced. If the ‘Validity’ is 30 days then you must then re-practice the skill within 30 days to remain ‘competent’. If you practice 7 days before the end of that 30 day period then your competency period runs from that date - not the end of the 30 day period.
An example of this might be an Airline Pilot landing his aircraft - if he exceeds the 30 day validity for being ‘current’ at landing the aircraft then he will require re-training with an instructor.
Another example might be: Checking the tyre pressures on you car. You should probably do this every few weeks. By using a ‘Done Date’ WarnZ you will be reminded 2 weeks after you last checked the pressures. This would be safer than checking them on a calendar repeating date.
Or: Vaccinations normally have a period in which they are effective and before a ‘booster’ is needed. You should have the booster before the end of the period. Using a done dated WarnZ with a validity period set to the length of time the vaccination is effective will ensure that your are always protected!
Behaviour Modifiers - optional selections to modify what the WarnZ does on repeat and update.
Optional Repeat Behaviour Switches.
The optional Repeat Behaviour Switches govern what the WarnZ does with information about the update.
With the Repeat Behaviour set to ‘Infinite’ the section displays the ‘Show Occurrence Count’ switch. When selected the WarnZ records the number of updates and displays that in the Dates section of the details page and on the WarnZ in the Column View.
With the Repeat Behaviour set to ‘Number’ the section displays:
‘Repeat Count’. Tap in the number field to edit the Count.
‘Archive When Complete’. If selected when the count is complete the WarnZ will Archive. (Strictly this is an Update Behaviour but only applies to ‘Count’ WarnZ and is therefore placed here for clarity).
‘Show Number remaining’. Counts down the set repeat count - for example: The WarnZ will show number of payments remaining.
With the Repeat Behaviour set to ‘Once’ the section displays ‘Archive When Complete’. If selected when the WarnZ is updated then it will Archive. (Again - Strictly this is an Update behaviour but only applies to ‘Number’ WarnZ and is therefore placed here for clarity. A ‘Once’ only WarnZ is simply a ‘Number’ WarnZ with the ‘Count’ set to 1).
Optional Update Behaviour Switches.
The optional Update Behaviour Switches govern what the WarnZ does when updated.
The Optional Update switches (mostly) only apply to Due Date WarnZ. Done date WarnZ only display the 'End of Month' switch.
To understand the effect of the Update switches we need to understand how Caution and Warning Periods are set relative to the Due or Expired (Next Occurrence) date.
Hint: It helps if you read the switches as a sentence. So, when selecting the switches read it as: Use Due Date ...Except Before Caution Period ...Except after Due Date. With both switches set then the WarnZ will update using the Due date in the Caution Period but will update using the 'date of the update' if updated before the Caution Period or After the Due date.
This will make more sense when you read on.......
Both Caution and Warning Periods are set as periods before the repeat or expiry date (the 'due' or 'next occurence' date). The Caution (Yellow) Period is always a longer period than the Warning (Amber) Period with the Warning Period over-riding the Caution Period when setting the colour of the WarnZ.
In the example shown: The Caution Period is set at 4 weeks before its 'Expiry' date at which point the WarnZ turns Yellow. It will remain Yellow for 18 days before reaching the Warning Period, when it turns Amber, 10 days before Expiry. On the day of it Expiry it will turn Red.
It is important to understand that any Behaviour switches that references the ‘Caution’ Period will act on the WarnZ between the beginning of the ‘Caution’ (Yellow) period and the Expiry (Red) date; not between the beginning of the ‘Caution’ period and the start of the ‘Warning’ (Amber) period.
Update using ‘Due’ date with no Update behaviour switches set:
The WarnZ always updates using the due date!
For example: If the WarnZ is updated:
At A: before the Caution Period then the WarnZ updates using the Due date!
At B: during the Caution Period then the WarnZ updates using the Due date! (Note: The Caution Period includes the Warning Period).
At C: after the Due date then the WarnZ updates using the Due date!
Useful for:
Periodic Actions (Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily or multiples thereof).
Update using ‘Due’ date with the ‘Except before Caution Period’ switch.
If the WarnZ is updated:
At A: before the Caution Period then the WarnZ updates using the Update date!
At B: during the Caution Period then the WarnZ updates using the Due date! (Note: The Caution Period includes the Warning Period).
At C. after the expiry date then the WarnZ updates using the the Due date!
Useful for:
Some fixed period contracts (Rentals, PCP hire purchase).
Update using ‘Due’ date with the ‘Except after Due Date’ switch set:
If the WarnZ is updated:
At A: before the Caution Period then the WarnZ updates using the Due date!
At B: during the Caution Period then the WarnZ updates using the Due date!
At C: after the expiry date then the WarnZ updates using the the Update date!
Useful for:
Update using ‘Due’ with ‘Except before Caution Period’ and ‘Except After Due Date’ switches set:
If the WarnZ is updated:
At A: before the Caution Period then the WarnZ updates using the Update date!
At B: during the Caution Period the WarnZ updates using the Due date!
At C: after the Due Date the WarnZ updates using the Update date!
Useful for:
Passport Renewals
Occupational Medicals
Hint: Set the Caution Period to the period during which completing the event maintains the expiry date of the item / event.
Update using ‘Due’ Date with ‘Autoupdate on Due Date’ switches set:
The WarnZ will automatically update on reaching its due date.
Useful for:
Anniversaries & Birthdays. If the date of birth or marriage is set; and the ‘Show Occurrence Count’ is set in the repeat Behaviour then the WarnZ will display the person’s age or the number of the anniversary.
Also useful for any WarnZ where you would like a reminder but the action is automatic:
Direct Debits
Standing Orders
Pay Checks
Savings and Investments.
Update using ‘Due’ date with ‘End of Month’ switches set:
The WarnZ will update using the last day on the month no-matter how many days in the month.
Useful for any action that needs to be completed on the last day of any month. For example: End of Month report submissions.
Selecting the Expiry Behaviour to update using ‘Done’ date displays only one Update behaviour switch: ‘End of Month’.
The WarnZ will update using the last day on the month no matter how many days in the month.
WarnZ Levels. - Which levels are displayed.
You can edit the levels which are displayed to suit the WarnZ.
You are not restricted to just the standard Green (In Date), Yellow (Caution), Amber (Warning) and Red (Repeat/ Validity period) you can set other combinations or ‘levels’.
For instance you could set a WarnZ with a Green (In Date), an Amber (Warning) and a Red (Repeat / Validity).
Or any of the combinations shown in the table.
A WarnZ with no Caution set might be set for a task that has a deadline but requires no preparation.
For instance: making a payment or a phone call.
You might create a WarnZ which is Green when in date and changes to
Amber on Expiry. This WarnZ will always be ordered below any Red
expired WarnZ in the column of WarnZ. You might do this for something that you feel is a lower priority and you need to be reminded only when it needs doing. Such as cleaning the Fridge!
A Blue WarnZ (an information WarnZ) is always in date and therefore will always be ordered below any yellow, amber or red WarnZ but it will move to the top of the green column depending on its expiry date.
Blue WarnZ are for ‘nice to do’ items such as reminders to update your blog, upload your photographs to the cloud, or ring the mother-in-law. The world won’t end if you don’t do it but occasionally you really ought to!
The Dark Blue WarnZ are for ‘sponsored’ WarnZ and are a feature that will be implemented in the future to store useful business information - but
only if the user wishes to store that information!
To change the combination of periods used by the WarnZ tap on each field to select or deselect.
This WarnZ has been configured to use a Caution period but no Warning period before turning red when Expired.
This combination might be used for Direct Debit payment - giving you a yellow caution to check you have the correct funds in your account before the payment is automatically made.
This WarnZ has been configured to a use a Caution period before turning Amber when Expired. This might be used for a ‘Once Only’ WarnZ reminding you when a new item (such as a new iPhone) becomes available for sale. You may want to buy the item but is it is not vital to do so on a specific date. The WarnZ will turn Amber on expiry and sit below any Red WarnZ reminding you to buy when it is convenient.
It is important to remember that whatever is the highest level colour selected on the page is your Expiry Colour.
You cannot select light blue or dark blue level in conjunction with any other colours.
You cannot deselect Green if you have selected Red, Amber or Yellow in any combination.
WarnZ Visibility (Archive WarnZ).
The Visibility section is used to Archive And Un-archive your WarnZ.
To Archive a WarnZ from the Details page select the ‘Archived’ switch. To un-archive / reactivate a WarnZ deselect the switch.
For more information about Archiving, reactivating and recycling WarnZ see The Update Tutorial.
Example WarnZ
The following section shows some example WarnZ. Tap on each to see hints on creating, and how the details and behaviours are set up.
Marathon Training
Countdown Repeat Done Date
Charlie's Birthday
Infinite Repeat Due Date
5 days [32]
First Aid Training
Infinite Repeat Done Date
13 days
Porsche Loan
Repeat Count Due Date
27 days
Sailing Exam
Once Only Due Date
134 days
Vaccination Booster
Once Only Done Date
308 days
Update Blog
Infinite Repeat Done Date Information
310 days